The 3-Pronged Strategy
Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailandis committed to mobilizing every mission under the 3-pronged strategy

Youth 2020 : A corruption-free camp for Thai youth
In cooperation with 13 youth organizations, the Morality Promotion Center and other organization members, ACT has organized a training camp to create awareness and understanding of the different forms of corruption for students throughout Thailand, so they can perceive the possible damage to society. This program focuses on cultivating conscience among the youth and enabling them to learn about good leadership and to practice developing a project for corruption prevention and solution.
A TV commercials series titled “Never Let the Corrupt Stand in the Society”
This commercial series was produced in six versions and broadcast through television and social media.
The New Gen New Media Project
A short documentary film and infographic contest under the topic “The Impacts of Corruption” was organized for Communication Art students to learn about corruption that has caused damage to the country, and with the hope that these mass media students will help bring about change for a better society in the future.
A short documentary series titled “Cultivate Anti-corruption Conscience”
This one-minute documentary series has been produced and broadcast via Chanel 7 daily over the past 4 years.
Mha Fao Baan
Mobilized measures for transparency creation in the process of state projects

The Integrity Pact (IP)
Previously in the state procurement process, only the state sector and businesses from the private sector were involved in the bidding process. However, under the Integrity Pact, a third party or “independent observer” from the civil sector was added in the process, starting from creating the Terms of Reference (TOR) to the end of the agreement. To create a transparent and fair process of procurement, this participation enables the third party to observe and monitor risks to any corruption that may happen in the procurement process.This project involves the cooperation of the Controller General’s Department, Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand (ACT) and professional and business associations including the Consulting Engineers Association of Thailand, and Federation of Thai Industries, among others.
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
This national representative body of Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) comprises representatives from the stakeholders of the government sector, the industrial sector and the civil sector and was formed to create a system of data exposure under the EITI Standard and disseminate the public information through the EITI Report available for every sector in society to put into use confidently.
The Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST) Program
initiated by the World Bank focuses on large construction projects. CoST enables the civil sector to participate in a transparency examination of a project by using a precise and understandable form of document that is useful and complete in information.
Mobilized reform of laws on corruption prevention and suppression

- The Licensing Facilitation ACT, B.E. 2558 (2015)
- The Amendment Act on the Regulations of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, B.E. 2542 (1999)
- The Decree on Evaluation of Legislation, B.E. 2558 (2015)
- The Act on State Procurement and Management of Materials and Supplies
- The Amendment Act on the Information Act, B.E. 2540 (1997)
- The State Advertisement and Public Relations Act
- The Conflict of Interest Act
- The Corruption Court Establishment and Asset Recovery Act
- The Protection and Recovery of State Assets Act
- The Act for the Parliament’s Fiscal Analysis Institute
- The Act for Non-Profit Organization for Consumer Protection
- The Amendment Act on the Trades Competition Act
- The Moral Cooperative Act
- Mobilized laws that help create awareness, positive perception and new value among the public.
The Licensing facilities ACT

The Act is considered to have played a big role in solving the “bribery demands” in Thai bureaucratic systems as ACT worked alongside the Ministry of Industry in a revision of licensing a factory permit (Ror Ngor 4) for business operators and, meanwhile, encouraged state organizations to publicize and educate the public on the importance and better use of this Act.
The Decree on Evaluation of Legislation, B.E. 2558 (2015)
This decree officially implemented in 2015 is considered a huge reform of the government’s bureaucratic systems and procedures. It benefits the nation in several aspects such as anti-corruption, economic and investment promotion, discrimination reduction, equality creation and reduction in the abuse of power by government authorities.The Anti-Corruption Organization jointly prepared the “Regulatory Guillotine” Project, an effort to solve corruption in terms of structure, by pushing towards the cancelation of a number of laws (around a hundred thousand laws in total),leaving only those laws that are “simple, clear, burden-less and fair”. This project is expected to help promote efficiency in the government’s public services in accordance with the Facilities Act and the Decree on Evaluation of Legislation that aim to create convenience, reduce burden for the public and,eventually, minimize factors that promote corruption.

A declaration on opposition to an amnesty for corruption cases
In cooperation with allies from the business, finance and investment sectors, ACT declared its opposition to the amendment of laws regarding any corruption court cases (Section 3 in a draft of the Amnesty Act), stressing that all corruption court cases must enter the judicial process to the end. The declaration is expected to establish a proper norm for The Thai judicial system and make corruption suppression in Thailand fairer, more tangible and more respectable.Supported capacity development in investigative journalism
ACT provided support to the Isra Institute on the capacity development of investigative journalists through training, news contests, etc., aiming for the better quality and greater popularity of investigative journalism so it acquire a greater reputation within society.Held a press conference on 15 corruption cases that interest the public
In cooperation with the civil sector and the press, ACT held a press conference to seek updates from government organizations on major corruption cases since most important corruption cases usually follow a lengthy process, causing delays in the judicial process and a lack of fear towards the law by the corrupt. These 15 cases were divided into 4 groups as follows:
- Cases awaiting explanation included Golden Microphones (overpriced new microphones at the Government Office),illegal commercial boards at police booths, futsol ground construction, longan corruption, Klong Daan waste water management site construction, CTX (bomb detectors corruption) and the luxury cars cases.
- Cases awaiting clarificationincluded the rice pledging scheme, a tourism event case and the former Governor of Thai Tourism Authority Mrs. Juthamas Siriwan, an asset found in the residence of Mr. Supoj Saplom, former Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Transportation, the construction of police stations all over the country and Thai Khem-khaeng (the Strong Thailand Project).
- Cases waiting to be submitted by an attorney to the Court of Justice included a case concerning the former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra during her duties or in negligence of her duties the corruption caused in the state rice pledging scheme.
- Cases requiring close attention included Rai Som Company and its celebrity owner Mr. Sorayuth Suthassanachinda, Police General Pongpat Chayapan Chief of Central Investigation Bureau and a case of a small note from the Secretary General of Administrative Courts (a discrete note sent to the Police Chief and the Police Assistant Chief by the Secretary General of the Office of Administrative Court for their endorsement of a police officer to be promoted to superintendent. The police officer was a close friend of the Chairman of Administrative Courts’ nephew and the note was acknowledged by the Chairman according to news reports).
Museum of Thai Corruption
ACT, in cooperation with the Office of National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) and the Office of Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) recreated information into a sculpture exhibition under the theme Museum of Thai Corruption so as to reveal 10 infamous corruption cases and scandals that have caused tremendous damage to the nation. The exhibition enabled the audiences to see and understand the origin and route of each case easily and clearly. The presentation was also available on the Museum of Thai Corruption website for the public to view and share with others as well as to create better awareness among the public. A TV commercial and an infographic presentation of the Museum of Thai Corruption were created and also presented in other forms including a still-picture, a slide and a video.ACT Recommendation for Anti-Corruption Measures

ACT Recommendation for Anti-Corruption Measures
The Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand wishes for Thailand to completely and constantly develop into a corruption-free society through the following five major measures:
Reform of laws and justice systems
Connections and power have been abused and misused to conceal wrongdoings, causing delays in the justice process, loss of confidence in the Thai law and fear among the public to come forward and report any suspicious incidences to the authorities.
Revise and implement serious penalties and a speedy legal process along with adequate protection for informants and changes in regulations to prevent bribery and corruption.
Participation of civil sector
Facts and information for the public have been covered and/or distorted while the general public cannot exercise their rights to provide their opinions, especially on government projects that barely consider the needs of the general public.
Create awareness and alertness among the public, promote empowerment of the public’s voice and expand
Campaigns on moral and ethics
Misperceptions towards corruption are many, for example, that a little corruption is acceptable, that corruption is not uncommon and not to feel ashamed,and that subordinates should just follow the steps of those above them even if corrupt (the practice of “going-along–with-the-flow”)
Promote a conscience of right and wrong and good or bad, cultivate the value of sufficiency and make the public aware of the different forms of corruption through the creation of a new culture.
Transparency standards in accordance with international standards
Complex laws and regulations lead to mistakes in the procurement process in government projects and open opportunities for exploitation for personal benefit.
Mobilize towards the development of regulations and an “Integrity Pact” Project to be implemented more quickly and empower the public in examinations and provide access to information.
Strength of anti-corruption organizations
Threats against personnel on duty at anti-corruption organizations, overload of corruption cases, impaired transparency and inefficiency
Extend the scope of authorization, improve mechanisms for speedy work and enhance efficiency in the use of budgets and personnel.
Outstanding Missions and Activities
- ปี 2560 "โครงการร้อยพลังต่อต้านคอร์รัปชัน" (ACTIVE CITIZEN)
- ปี 2560 "งาน Good Society Expo เทศกาลทำดีหวังผล"
- ปี 2560 “คุยเรื่องโกงผ่านหนัง”
- ปี 2560 "ร่วมเขียนกฎหมายต้านโกง ให้ถูกใจคนไทย”
- ปี 2560 “ติดตามนโยบายต่อต้านคอร์รัปชันของรัฐบาล พล.อ.ประยุทธ์”
- ปี 2560 “ใบอนุญาตก่อสร้าง: ความสะดวกที่ต้องจ่าย...จริงหรือ?"
- ปี 2560 "โครงการค่ายเยาวชนไทย ไร้คอร์รัปชัน YOUTH 2020"
- ปี 2560 "โครงการสร้างความร่วมมือต่อต้านการทุจริตคอร์รัปชันภาคประชาชน"
- ปี 2017 "CoST Construction Sector Transparency Initiative"
- ปี 2560 "โครงการข้อตกลงคุณธรรม"